
Author: Aasima

Nutritionist & Cosmetic Technologist

Are you obsessed with staying germ free? Do you wash your hands with 99.99% germ killing soap every hour, okay no one is that crazy right? Right? what’s the Crazier is that you wash your hands and still worry about that 0.01% germs, if you are of those then i will take your hands and…

बाजार में मिलने वाले अक्सर शैंपू ही हे कैंसर होने की वजह ⬇️ पैराबेन और सल्फेट्स क्या हैं, और आपको उनसे क्यों बचना चाहिए? सल्फेट्स और पैराबेन क्या हैं? बालों के लिए वरदान है सल्‍फेट-फ्री शैंपू सल्फेट फ्री शैंपू बालों को बनाता है सिल्की और शाइनी, जानिए इसके फायदे टूटते-झड़ते बालों के लिए वरदान है…

First things first so why Are Dyes Added in the First Place?  Dyes are added to products for a number of reasons including a means to hide discoloration as products age, even out the natural coloring in a product, give a product a color that might make it more appealing, or to differentiate between scents…

About few months back after getting into pro-metabolic diet and community and after studying Functional Nutrition and improving my overall health through it did I became familiar the Magnificence of Magnesium. Now we have all gotten our serum electrolytes reports atleast once in our lifetime and have heard all about salt imbalance, sodium balance, potassium…

There are no doubts about shifting consumer preferences towards Organic and Natural products. However, one question that remains unanswered for the gullible consumer is, How to know if the product labeled Organic in the retail stores is really Organic? To help you understand better I’ll give you an example-The debate over non-organic and certified organic…

Have you ever picked up a cream or foundation, and after applying it to your skin it instantly had a babysoft, slippery feel? Well, in many cases that soft feeling is not from improving your skin but actually from the silicone in the products. Many cosmetic companies use silicone mainly because it gives customers a…

Your lifestyle plays an important role in maintaining your hair and skin health. High exposure to pollution outdoors, combined with undue amounts of work pressure and Stress, unhealthy diet, products usage, etc makes it quite a challenge to ensure the regular and healthy growth of hair. This often leaves your hair appearing limp, weak and…

Are you aware of what’s going inside the products that you put on your face? Are these chemical ingredients safe for your skin and body. 1. Sulfates Sulfates are salts that are formed when sulphuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with another chemical. Sulphates are highly powerful chemical detergents, The same detergents used to degrease car engines!…