What is the correct way of Oiling your hair.

  1. Part your hair and apply the warm oil (for better penetration)  on scalp using fingertips, use cotton ball if you have long nails.
  2. Oil shouldnt be hot as it will damage and burn your scalp.
  3. Ensure to not miss any area on scalp.
  4. Massage very gently for 10-15 mins in circular motion using fingertips, vigorous massage and scratching can lead to more breakage.
  5. Next apply on strands some only apply on scalp or vice versa which leaves the other part dry.
  6. Do not rub and slide the palms on the hair strands together vigorously.
  7. Rather Take small amount of oil in your palm, rub both the palms together and pat them gently on all sections of hair strands one by one.
  8. Minimum time for absorbtion of oil is 4 hrs so washing away the hair after 30mins or 1hr of Oiling would be wastage of all the efforts you went through to get benefits of Oiling.
  9. Best time would be to oil your hair and scalp at night and wash it off the very next day.
  10. Leaving the oil in you hair for more than 24 hrs can lead to clogging of pores and damage due to dirt from pollution and perspiration of the scalp mixing with the applied oil.