
Category: Nutrition

If you might have trouble falling asleep this article is a must read. Ever went to bed early thinking finally i will sleep early tonight or just went to bed at your usual hour only to end up staring at the ceiling for hours or tossing and turning in bed for you just can’t fall…

What is a circadian rhythm? Circadian rhythm is your body’s biological clock. Circadian rhythm regulates your sleep-wake cycle, hormone production, and various psychological and physiological processes. When this rhythm gets out of sync, it leads to sleep disorders, fatigue, and a range of health issues. You might have heard the term wake with the sun,…

Every single one of us has struggled with severe hairfall, thinning of hair or hair loss pnce in their lifetime so trust me when I say this “you’re not alone.” People experience hair loss due to aging, stress, improper diet and lifestyle habits, improper hair care or hormonal changes. But worry not as today i…

Red meat has been demonized so much in the recent years its insane that something as nutritious as meat could be shamed like this, there have been plenty of false accusations and claims on our precious and nourishing Red meat. For millions of years our ancestors hunted and ate meat and a 60 y/o back…

Guyss i know i know that you want your food to be free from pesticides because well you are not pests, are you? Huh? Oh and also because pesticides have lots of downsides. To name a few-  – Irritate the gut lining aka incoming ibs, ibd, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc. you get the gist.…

Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. In simple words they are essential for life and your health. And it is essential to keep them…

Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to do and when to do it. In simple words they are essential for life and your health. And it is essential to keep them…

Chronic Stress comes with many health problems, it doesn’t stop with mental health, it effects our physical health too, it can cause Hormonal imbalances, Gut – digestive problems, it even effects your thyroid and adrenals, can cause severe hair loss and in some cases premature greying of hair. Stress in today’s life is inevitable and…

Disclaimer- All the puns you might stumble upon following article are intended. Helloo folks! What are the odds, you walked into the lane of someone (me) telling you to walk more. Don’t worry i won’t torture you with – “what is your step count today?” “Have you been lousing on the couch all day?” “What’s…

Are you obsessed with staying germ free? Do you wash your hands with 99.99% germ killing soap every hour, okay no one is that crazy right? Right? what’s the Crazier is that you wash your hands and still worry about that 0.01% germs, if you are of those then i will take your hands and…