Ultimate Nutrients To Nourish Your Skin And Hair

Certain foods have the power to fight skin ageing, boost hair growth and improve overall wellbeing. So without a further ado let’s get right into it.

Here’s A List Of Some Essential Nutrients To Nourish Your Skin And Hair:

Commonly known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. It improves your body’s keratin structure, which plays a vital role in hair health.

Found In:
Eggs, nuts and seeds , Legumes, sweet potatoes, avocados, berries, mushrooms, seafood.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
This is imperative to improve blood circulation. It prevents hair loss, strengthens the shafts, and helps regrowth. It also moisturises the scalp and prevents hair loss. The body does not naturally produce Omega 3; hence it is important to incorporate it into your diet or take supplements.

Found In:
Seafood, Flaxseeds, Walnut, Soyabean.

Vitamin A:
This vitamin is food for the skin. It is an antioxidant that enhances skin condition and cell renewal rate. It slows down the ageing process. For glowing skin, increase your vitamin A intake. But one must be on guard against an overdose.

Found In:
Eggs, liver, fish oils, whole milk, carrots, pumpkin broccoli, tomato and no. of leafy green vegetables, orange, red and yellow vegetables and fruits, fortified cereals, cantaloupe, and squash

Vitamin C:
Your skin needs this water-soluble vitamin to remain youthful as it improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles. It is an antioxidant that fights skin damage. Deficiency of vitamin C can lead to hair loss.

Found In:
All Citrus fruits, Papaya, Cantaloupe, Guava, Broccoli, Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E:
Protecting your skin from sun damage and pollution, vitamin E can be your saviour. Its antioxidant properties block free radicals from the body and slow the ageing process. It can also help repair damaged hair and make it shine.

Found In:
Sunflower oil, Olive oil, Wheat-germ oil, Soybean oil, Peanuts, Almond, Hazelnuts, Sunflower seeds

Iron is the medium to take oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles. A deficiency could result in dull, weak hair. Anaemia is a big reason for hair loss.

Found In:
Lentils, spinach, Soybeans, tofu, Seafood, Red meat, Beat, Oysters, Rice flakes, Sesame seeds, Jaggery.

It is a vital mineral for hair, skin, and nails. Your skin can rapidly lose moisture, especially in the summer. Zinc helps generate the body’s natural oils, ensuring soft skin and preventing dandruff. At the same time, high levels of zinc can disrupt absorption of other minerals and produce testosterone.

Found In:
Pumpkin seeds, cashews, mushrooms, chicken, oysters, Crabs, Lobsters, beef, spinach, wheat germ and lentils.

If your diet cannot give you the needed nutrients, taking supplements from trustworthy health brand is recommended.

Also Read: Superfood seeds to be added in your diet for healthy hair growth and glowing skin